Metaverse: Technology That Integrates the Real and Virtual Worlds

The Metaverse is perhaps best known for its games and cinemas, but what we can be sure of is that we are talking about technology.

The term Metaverse can raise many doubts because it is a relatively new technology, but the name itself already suggests a relationship with the universe and in fact it is another world.

The integration of the real and virtual worlds is a feature of the Metaverse and experts point to a revolution with this technology, where the virtual environment will be the extension of the real world.

Despite still being under development, Metaverso receives investments from large technology companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Meta (Facebook). 

However, there are already some experiences that can bring the user closer to the Metaverse, such as the technology of online gaming platforms.

See below for details on how Metaverse technology can integrate the real and virtual worlds. Have a good read.

How does the Metaverse work?

When it comes to the Metaverse, we are talking about an ecosystem that integrates online and offline. However, it is a recent technology and many possibilities are still being discovered.

Metaverso is nothing more than a collective and shared space with technologies that recreate the experience of the real world in the virtual world, integrating the relationships in both worlds.

To simplify, let’s remember the height of the pandemic, when video calls were made frequently and they were essential. 

During the call, you are in the virtual world and in the real world at the same time. When the videoconference ends, this interaction ends.

Virtual reality and the ever-increasing quality of the internet increase the possibilities of creating a virtual physical environment, deepening relationships between people and making the Metaverse ever more plausible.

After the pandemic, advances in favor of work interaction became more evident, but there are still difficulties: remote work lacks experiences between people with a lack of exchange and sharing.

With the advancements in the Metaverse, online work can become more “natural”, with greater possibilities for relationships.

Metaverso technology demonstrates the growth of the internet and the development of innovations that we can see up close in the coming years with the 5G connection.

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What are the advantages of the Metaverse?

The advantages of the Metaverse that we can highlight are the better interaction between people, the possibility of making experiences more natural and shortening distances. The intention is to carry out in virtual molds everything we do in the physical world.

Closing the gap between the real world and the digital world is the great goal of the Metaverse. Using this technology can allow the user to meet in offices, watch movies and interact with other people spontaneously, without barriers between the two universes.

We already have some interesting aspects within the Metaverse such as the NFT, totally virtual currencies also called tokens that are only present online. It is an intelligent tool that moves the virtual and financial market.

It is possible to see famous companies betting on this market, such as luxury brands with digital clothing being used in the world of games.

Metaverse and work

With the pandemic, it was possible to understand the improvements that technology has brought us and Metaverso goes against that.

This turbulent period served for many companies to analyze their processes and, after that, the changes to completely online activities were remarkable. Making a consultation with a health professional is already possible to a large extent 100% online.

Gradually we have more interactions with the Metaverse and in the future companies must increasingly ally with the Metaverse to benefit from the advantages of this technology.

The New Professions of the Metaverse

Just as the internet has enabled a whole new market, we will also have some new professions with the integration between online and offline in the Metaverse.

Storyteller : professional who will be responsible for creating stories in the Metaverse. Just like a soap opera writer, this profession will take care of the narratives, bringing entertainment and emotion to customers and brands.

Graphic designer : this professional will plan, execute and create virtual establishments, being a mirror of the physical world. Contribution to make very realistic scenarios.

Teachers : in the pandemic, the possibility of teaching through digital means became evident and in the Metaverse it will be no different for the professional who is more familiar with technology.

Digital Manager : nothing more than the professional who will manage a multidisciplinary team to take companies to the Metaverse, establishing strategies that help to understand how this technology works.

The main challenges for the Metaverse

There are many challenges for the implementation of the Metaverse because making the integration between the real and virtual world is not a simple task. 

It is necessary to have adequate professionals who understand the subject and solve the difficulties of interaction between processes in current technologies.

In addition, application and platform programming needs to be redone to meet the needs of the Metaverse and its users and be totally inspired by our days, having its own language.

All this has to do with the importance that countries give to technologies, education and access to the tools of these spaces.

In Brazil, knowledge and use of augmented reality tools are still in their infancy and tend to help the development of the Metaverse over time.

Is it possible to have this integration in the Metaverse?

The consolidation of technology is indeed possible and many companies are on their way to reap the benefits of the Metaverse. The virtual world is increasingly in the real world.

However, however possible, it will not be a quick process and it is necessary to have qualified people to take the next steps.

What is imagined is that Metaverso is a new way for society and culture to be united, functioning as the third platform of places and services.If you liked this content, visit our blog to check out more articles that we, at WLA SaaS, produce about Metaverse, technology and other related subjects.

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