The New Wireless Charging Technologies and Their Applications

Wireless charging has provided a number of facilities for people who use some technological devices with some frequency. It’s no wonder: charging electronics without the need to have a cord connected to an outlet is a great advantage.

With the advancement of technologies in the most different areas, it was natural that at some point the wire would be left aside when charging devices. And the fact is, we’re already living in that era of wireless charging .

You have probably already come into contact with wireless charging technology , mainly related to smartphone charging. For those who use their cell phone for many hours and need it to be always charged, wireless charging technology is the solution.

However, the applications of wireless charging technology are many and extend beyond cell phones, bringing benefits to other sectors that are important to the lives of thousands of people.

In this article, you will learn about the new wireless charging technologies and their applications in everyday life, as well as understand the practical use of each one of them. We hope the content is useful and that reading is enjoyable.

The beginning of wireless charging technology

Let’s start addressing the topic by explaining a little about the emergence of wireless charging technology.

The idea of ​​transmitting energy by induction came into existence around the end of the 19th century, when inventor Nikola Tesla came up with the concept of exchanging energy through induction.

To summarize, Tesla’s theory said that this was possible with a magnetic resonant that would deliver energy through the air with a transmitter and a receiver for this released energy.

Time passed and the transmission of energy by induction was only in the field of ideas, without any practical example that would be beneficial to people’s lives.

However, technological advances have revolutionized the way electronics can be used and have taken the opportunity to make applications with induction energy that could positively add to the lives of people around the world.

Wireless charging technologies and how to apply them

Charging the battery of an electronic device without the need for a wire to power it is the rationale behind wireless charging.

Basically, wireless charging technology works through a charging station that contains induction coils wrapped in copper wire.

A magnetic field is created and is capable of transmitting energy through the air to an electronic device, such as a cell phone. It is only necessary for the electronics to be close to the induction coils so that the battery is charged with energy.

Of course, the charging station needs to be plugged in for a certain amount of time for effective and complete power transmission.

It is also possible for this charging station to be used unplugged, but charging will be limited by the time the coil can transmit power without being connected to a power source.

Another important detail about wireless charging is that it is involved with many electronic devices, of which we can highlight those with which we have more contact on a daily basis:

  • Cell phone;
  • Headset;
  • Smartwatch;
  • Tablet;
  • Sound box.

Devices like those mentioned above are part of our lives and it’s practically impossible to think of a routine without them, isn’t it?

Just as it is difficult to adapt to wired charging of these devices after already charging them wirelessly.

Also check out this article to complement your reading: The New Wireless Charging Technologies and Their Applications

And where will wireless charging technology go in the coming years?

Applications of wireless charging technology are developing more and more to make it easier for electronic devices to be used for a longer period of time without the need for multiple battery charges.

The expectation is that wireless charging will be further improved and be able to assist in activities in sectors that already use this technology or that intend to implement it in their daily lives.

A good example of this is the wireless charging of electric cars on the move, whose progress is already in the testing phase and would solve the demand for more practicality in charging the vehicle in less time.

This issue of wireless charging at a distance has been seen as a natural evolution of technology, since it would be feasible to keep a device charging wherever it was with a minimum distance to the charging station.

Using the practical example of the cell phone, there would be the possibility of charging it while you are still using it, allowing you to perform your tasks with the speed and agility that are so essential for our time.

In addition, what is expected is the chance to wirelessly charge more electronic devices at once and connected to the same charging station.

We have been using more and more electronic devices to do our tasks, so it is a matter of time for them to be wirelessly charged and together at more convenient times, such as at night, optimizing time a lot.

Finally, work issues tend to evolve with the improvement of wireless charging technology, where electronic devices are already part of the corporate environment.

A major transformation would be the wireless charging of laptops and other devices that people use to perform their jobs, causing unwanted outages due to low battery.

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